The photo of our team (above) by Ilya van Marle is the cover of our book Protocol to Manage Relationships Today, published by Amsterdam University Press and written by our board of directors in cooperation with a group of other European leading protocol experts. The book is the theoretical basis of all our online and in-person training programmes, and includes our vision of 21st century protocol; the value of protocol to build strong reciprocal relationships.

This free online mini-course in protocol is meant as an introduction to protocol; following this online course will allow you to increase your understanding of the value of protocol

At the end of this mini-course you will:

  1. Have a better understanding of the value of protocol, and how protocol can be a tool to build strong reciprocal relationships.
  2. Have a better understanding of the method of protocol as described in Chapter 3 of our book; protocol as a tool to organise effective high-level networking meetings and events.

Sign-up for this free course:

Follow one of our in-person training programmes in Brussels or The Hague

Find more information here.